Tuesday, August 31, 2010

this is Indonesia, dude!

Just upload 646 photos from my latest trip to the one and only, Bali!! It was fun and great trip! Here is a few photos that I want to put it on my blog. And I'm proud to say, this is Indonesia, dude! :D

Never see such a clear blue sky like that in Jakarta!

What a view!
The sunset view is too die for!


  1. gue suka sama yang ada caption-nya : "Never see such a clear blue sky like that in Jakarta!"

  2. love "what a view" pic, huaahhh i wanna go there again and again and again..ga sempet dapet poto sunset juga waktu kesana ma septy and lia :)

  3. @eka eldina: hihi iya kak eka mari kesana lagi :)
    @138char: thank you. ayo kita lebih sering mengunjungi tempat2 di Indonesia! :D
